In PowerPoint's Ribbon, Mac users will need to use the Command+T shortcut and click on the Strikethrough' button or click on the Strikethrough' tab or click on the Strikethrough icon. In the Categories box, click All Commands and then use the search bar to type in the shortcut you'd like to create.

In the Categories box, a new window will appear, and you'll be able to type in the shortcut you'd like to create. This special formatting package is available in the entire Microsoft Office suite, but you can also use it with some messaging applications and other text editors. You can also delete it in an email message with the following steps: Step 1: Select the text you will add double strikethrough to. Step 1: Choose the text you want to add double strikethrough to in an email message with the following steps: Step 1: Select the text you will add double strikethrough to in the Message Window. This information will be displayed in MS Word if you will press a key combination that has already been assigned to some other task. Make your cursor in the Press new shortcut key box and press the shortcut key combination that you want to set for the strikethrough option. The Customize Keyboard dialog box will appear. Text that appears to be this: Strikethrough text You will need to complete the following procedure just once, and after that, you will be able to block text by pressing the desired key combination. However, the good news is that we can configure MS Word to produce such a shortcut key combination. If you need to use MS Word a lot, it is highly recommended that you learn a few common shortcut keys - it will make your life much more efficient. In a writing email message, it's very straightforward to insert and delete strikethrough to words.